Teaching 2-D shapes is probably my most favourite math strand!
I love making it interactive and hands-on for my students.
You can find these large colourful Popsicle sticks at Michaels (sometimes even Dollarama!). I just cut some down (to make the sides of a rectangle) and wrote the shape name in permanent marker. I stuck small Velcro pieces to the corners so that they stick.
You can even set this up as a provocation!
You can find these large colourful Popsicle sticks at Michaels (sometimes even Dollarama!). I just cut some down (to make the sides of a rectangle) and wrote the shape name in permanent marker. I stuck small Velcro pieces to the corners so that they stick.
You can even set this up as a provocation!
I always start by leaving out a container with pattern blocks and having students explore the shapes.
I made these shape pointers for students to walk around the classroom and point to different objects that are different shapes.
This is a big hit!
Working in small groups we use these picture cards and sort them out on the placemat.
Another provocation we set out was asking students to think of ways they could fill in other shapes.
For example, a triangle can be build using many other shapes!
As you can see, this activity lead students to create lots of other amazing creations too!
We just got started with 2-D shapes before the holidays so the first week back we will continue.
Here's a fun and easy booklet to put together.
The students cut and paste the correct pictures for each shape.
One of my most favourite resources that I purchased years back is these large magnetic pattern blocks from Learning Resources. They are perfect for whole group lessons and I also left them out on the easel for students to create their own shape pictures.
I bought mine through Scholastic Bonus Catalogue but you can find these at most teacher stores on online at Amazon.
I always teach students that drawing is as simple as starting with shapes.
We did a lesson before Christmas and brainstormed all of the things students could draw to support their writing.
These shape stencils are perfect for those students who are still learning how to draw simple shapes and turning them into pictures. Our school purchased them from Quality Classrooms.
Working in small groups, I asked students to look closely at these task cards and see if they could figure out what other shapes could be made. I created these cards so that they don't tell the answer, rather they pose a question and students must manipulate the pattern blocks to figure out the answer.
We played a lot of fun games to reinforce skills in small groups. Here are a few examples:
Build a Picture - roll the pattern block die (included in my unit - see below) and create a picture, then students had to draw and write about their picture
We also took turns rolling a die I made full of shapes. We each rolled it 10 times and recorded our findings on our graph.
I also set up this activity on the light table for the students to explore when we return from the holidays next week. What I love about it most is that it is open-ended - I wonder what they will create with the translucent shapes!
Here are a few of my favourite books to read all about 2-D shapes!
You can find all of these activities and so much more in my new unit All About 2-D Shapes!
(Click the picture below to see more)
You can download my lesson plans for teaching 2-D Shapes below. I have outlined 2 weeks worth of whole-group, small-group and center/provocation ideas!

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