Weekly Wrap-Up....April 27 -> math provocations GALORE!

Now that we have wrapped up 3-dimensional figures (you can read all about that here), we decided to set out a provocation inviting students to explore both 2-Dimensional shapes and 3-Dimensional figures so that they can compare and contrast.
This provocation was inspired by my sweet friend Anamaria Ralph.

You can see the amazing creations students came up with!

The book featured, The Shape of Things, is one of my favourite math teaching resources!  It features so many pictures of common shapes in everyday objects and was great inspiration for students to create their own shape stamp pictures.
You can find these stampers by clicking the picture below.

We started learning about composing numbers (addition).  Students used this large mat (made simply by tracing two circles on top and a larger circle on the bottom).  The two circles on top are to count out objects to add together (i.e. 2+3) and the larger green circle on the bottom is for the sum (i.e. 5) where students pull the objects from both circles on top into the larger circle on the bottom and count.
I got this idea from my teaching partner, Ms. Alves, my very first year teaching and have been using it ever since!
 We placed a basket of Dominoes and some counters for students to use.
They could choose a Domino and use the numbers they see as their addition sentence.

If you follow me on Instagram, you will remember that I posted about this fun game we played, inspired by Deanna Pecaski McLennan.
It's played similar to the classic game Battleship, where you have to guess where the object (picture) is.
Students loved it so much that I made their own smaller sized game board where they could draw in their own objects and have a friend guess the co-ordinates.

You can download the game board shown above to set up as a great partner activity for FREE by clicking {here}.
I made 2 different sizes of the grid so choose which works best for your students.

Even though this isn't math related, it's still lots of fun and super easy to set up!
We filled empty pop bottles with popcorn kernels and placed cut up sight words inside. 
Be sure to seal the lids very well so no one opens them!
Students shake the bottle and find and write sight words.

And, of course, our Bird Inquiry is still going strong!
I promise to post all about that soon (it's going to be a post on it's own coming up since there's so many fun things we learned and created!).

Have a great weekend!

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